
What would you expect of a dentist when you go to your appointment? What would you expect of a doctor when you see him for a pain in your body? Would you be shocked and disturbed if the dentist acted like a doctor and the doctor acted like a dentist? Understanding that both professions are doctors in their respects, they each have specialities that they work on. We would be bothered if a professional we go to for help doesn't act in a way that is conducive to that profession.

What would you expect of a Christian? As a follower of Christ, what do those around us expect to see, hear, experience from us as we interact with them? The Bible tells us "ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men" 2 Cor. 3:2 KJV. What are "all men" reading about in your life? Are they inspired, impressed, do they hunger after God because of their interactions with you?

The great American philosopher Benjamin Franklin once stated, "Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." Being that our lives are an open book, an epistle written in our hearts, now and read of all men, it would behoove us to live such a life that is worth reading about or at the very least worth writing something about it.

What does your life look like? Whom are you reflecting? In a letter written by Ellen White to a person in 1893, she asks these thoughtful questions, "With whom are you walking? Is Christ your companion? Do you cultivate thoughts of Him in Whom your hopes of eternal life are centered? Is the god of this world, the object, the theme of our thoughts?" 8LtMs, Lt70, 1893, par. 1

May God help us this week to give it all to the Master. May we, this Sabbath, surrender all to Jesus so that our lives can be used by Him to impact lives for eternity.

So, until the next time, this is Pastor Tello reminding you that thoughts do change lives.